I can´t click the buy button for the selected item

If you cannot click the buy button for the selected item, the product might currently be out of stock, no longer available or we might not be able to deliver the item to your country. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time, we may be able to help you in finding your perfect item!

Will you tell me when my order has been dispatched?

YES! Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive your tracking information via e-mail. You can also always find all information regarding your order by logging into MY ACCOUNT.

How will I know if you have received my order?

Once you have completed the checkout process, a receipt will appear on your screen detailing your final order total, your shipping address, and the purchased items. You can print this receipt for your reference.You will also receive an order confirmation via e-mail.

When you place your order, an account is automatically created and login details sent to you. You can use these details to access MY ACCOUNT and check your order progress.

Why is the item that I had in my shopping basket yesterday no longer on sale today?

Your Shopping basket does not secure sale prices for you. If you place an item in your basket at a sale price, the price will change once the sale has expired. We recommend you to place your order as soon as possible.

Why is the item in my shopping basket not longer available at the checkout?

The selection on our site is live and reflects what is in stock at that moment. Adding an item to your basket does not guarantee your right to purchase that item. Until you have completed the checkout process, another customer may purchase the item even if it is in your basket.

How do I change the quantity of a particular item in my basket that I want?

To view the content of your basket, please click on the View Cart button to the left of the products on the store page. Any items you have added to your basket will be shown. If you wish to change the quantity of any products in your basket, you can change the number by clicking on the up/down buttons in the column for quantity. If you wish to remove any item from your basket, please click on just to the left of the product image. You should see the price updating accordingly.

How do I remove items from my basket?

To remove an item from your basket, please click on the View Cart button to the left of the products on the store page. Then click on X just below the product picture. You should see the price updating accordingly.